Tuesday, 27 March 2012

" Rahsia Surah Al-Kautsar "

Surah ini paling pendek, hanya mengandungi 3 ayat & diturunkan di Makkah dan bermaksud sungai di syurga. Kolam sungai ini diperbuat daripada batu permata nan indah dan cantik.

Surah ini disifatkan sebagai surah penghibur hati Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. kerana diturunkan ketika baginda(SAW) bersedih atas kematian 2 orang yang dikasihi iaitu anak lelakinya Ibrahim dan bapa s
audaranya Abu Talib.

Pelbagai khasiat terkandung di dalam surah ini dan boleh kita amalkan:-

1) Baca surah ini ketika hujan dan berdoa, mudah-mudahan Allah s.w.t. makbulkan doa kita.

2) Jika kita kehausan dan tiada air, bacalah surah ini dan gosok di leher, Insya’allah hilang dahaga.

3) Jika sering sakit mata, seperti berair, gatal, bengkak, sapukan air mawar yang sudah dibacakan surah ini sebanyak 10x pada mata.

4) Jika rumah dipercayai terkena sihir, baca surah ini 10x, mudah-mudahan Allah s.w.t. bagi ilham pada kita dimana letaknya sihir itu.

5) Jika membacanya 1,000x rezeki kita akan bertambah.

6) Jika rajin membacanya, hati kita akan menjadi lembut dan khusyuk ketika menunaikan solat.

7) Jika orang teraniaya dan terpenjara membacanya sebanyak 71x, Allah s.w.t. akan memberikan bantuan kepadanya kerana dia tidak bersalah tetapi dizalimi.

Monday, 26 March 2012

Every scar tells a story .............

Every scar tells a story
Some of heroic battles
And others of pain

Our scars are a collection of who we are
And how we came to be
Our scars tell a story

Some may see temporary pain afflicted on ourselves to cover our lives
But we see a lifetime
A lifetime of hurt and sorrow we could not handle alone
But alone we were forced to be

Our scars are a reminder of where we have come from
What we have come though
And where we are going

As the pain goes on
Our scars grow
Scars so deep they cut into the fabric of who we are

Every scar tells a story
And every scar is a cry for help
Though for a while no help comes
Every drop a tear from our soul

That cries
That screams
Screams into the night
Crying out to any that will hear
Anyone that will take the time
Take the time to listen
Listen to the pain

Every scar tells a story
Everything we have ever felt we put into our scars
The pain
The hopelessness

Every scar tells a story
Of why we are here

Sunday, 25 March 2012

I Don't Know .............

spinning out of control
my mind is always spinning

shimmers of pain and confusion

dominate my every thought

I can't handle it

it can devour me at an instant

when, where, why?

questions I ask everyday

limbo is my residence

madness is my destination

is this it?

this is all I'm supposed to be

where do I fit in?

or do I fit in? 


Children Learn What They Live ..........

If children live with criticism, 
they learn to condemn.

If children live with hostility, 
they learn to fight.

If children live with fear, 
they learn to apprehensive.

If children live with pity, 
they learn to feel sorry for themselves.

If children live with ridicule, 
they learn to feel shy.

If children live with jealousy, 
they learn to feel envy.

If children live with shame, 
they learn to feel guilty.

If children live with encouragement, 
they learn confidence.

If children live with tolerance, 
they learn patience.

If children live with praise, 
they learn appreciation.

If children live with acceptance, 
they learn to love.

If children live with approval, 
they learn to like themselves.

If children live with recognition, 
they learn it is good to have a goal.

If children live with sharing, 
they learn generosity.

If children live with honesty,
they learn truthfulness.

If children live with fairness, 
they learn justice.

If children live with kindness and consideration, 
they learn respect.

If children live with security, 
they learn to have faith in themselves and in those about them.

If children live with friendliness, 
they learn the world is a nice place in which to live.

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Ponder ...........

In life ... we all have an unspeakable secret ... an irreversible regret .... an unreachable dream ... and unforgettable love .

Thursday, 22 March 2012

7 kalimah ALLAH ............

Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W :

" Barang siapa hafal tujuh kalimat, ia terpandang mulia di sisi
Allah dan Malaikat serta diampuni dosa-dosanya walau sebanyak
buih laut "

1. Mengucap Bismillah pada tiap-tiap hendak melakukan sesuatu.

2. Mengucap Alhamdulillah pada tiap-tiap selesai melakukan sesuatu.

3. Mengucap Astagfirullah jika lidah terselip perkataan yang tidak

4. Mengucap Insya-Allah jika merencanakan berbuat sesuatu di hari esok.

5. Mengucap "La haula wala kuwwata illa billah" jika menghadapi
sesuatu tak disukai dan tak diingini.

6. Mengucap "inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun" jika menghadapi dan
menerima musibah.

7. Mengucap "La ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasulullah" sepanjang
siang dan malam sehingga tak terpisah dari lidahnya dari tafsir hanafi,
mudah-mudahan ingat, walau lambat-lambat mudah-mudahan selalu,
walau sambil lalu mudah-mudahan jadi boleh, karena sudah biasa

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Cara Mengenali Wanita Dengan Melihat Cara Berjalan .........

Wanita merupakan suatu ciptaan yang kompleks dan untuk mengenali wanita kita perlu melihat dari pelbagai sudut. Walaupun banyak tips dan petua untuk mengenal wanita dari yang paling senang hendak ditafsir hinggalah kepada yang rumit. Berikut merupakan salah satu panduan dalam mengenali wanita. Yang mungkin sedikit sebanyak dapat membantu kaum lelaki terutamanya ketika mencari calon isteri.

1.Kelihatan seperti tidak memijak tanah ketika berjalan

Golongan wanita yang jalannya berginjat, wanita ini kononnya bersifat tidak jujur, mulutnya laser dan menyinggung perasaan orang lain terutamanya ketika berbual. Dia juga dikatakan terkenal dengan sikap egonya. Dan yang lebih parah, wanita ini biasanya seorang yang boros atau suka membazir tanpa berfikir sebelum berbelanja. Tapi jangan berkecil hati, kerana wanita seperti ini biasanya menjadi pujaan ramai lelaki.

2. Sering menoleh ke kanan and kiri ketika berjalan

Wanita yang berjalan seperti ini biasanya pandai menyimpan rahsia. Walaupun ramai yang menganggap wanita yang berjalan seperti ini tidak jujur, suka menipu teman sendiri, dan merugikan teman bualnya, namun, ramai lelaki yang berusaha untuk menakluk hatinya. Kononnya wanita seperti ini senang diatur dan diuruskan.

3. Suka menunduk ketika berjalan

Wanita seperti ini katanya memiliki sifat yang tertutup. Dia hanya akan berbual dengan orang-orang yang rapat dengannya dan boleh dipercayai. Wanita seperti ini biasanya sukar untuk ditawan hatinya. Di samping sikapnya yang dingin, wanita seperti ini tidak peduli dengan percintaan. Namun, jika ada lelaki yang berjaya menawan hatinya, dijamin lelaki itu akan beroleh kebahagiaan.Ini kerana, wanita jenis ini sangat setia, dan dia tidak akan mengkhianati lelaki yang dicintainya.

4. Berjalan menatap lurus ke depan

Mereka yang berjalan seperti ini biasanya memiliki pendirian yang teguh, dan bukannya mudah hendak menggoncangkan imannya. Jangan sekali-sekali menentang apa yang pernah dikatanya, jika anda tidak mahu mendengar dia berleter panjang lebar. Meskipun pendiriannya teguh, tapi dia selalu berselisih pendapat. Jadi tak hairanlah kalau wanita seperti ini hanya mahu berbual dengan orang yang perpengalaman luas.

5. Badan bergerak ke kanan dan kiri ketika berjalan

Wanita yang berjalan dengan gaya yang sedemikian selalunya bersikap tidak ambil kisah dengan masalah yang berlaku. Apa pun masalah yang ada dihadapannya, dia menganggap itu sebagai perkara kecil. Walhal masalah itu sebenarnya agak rumit dan memerlukan kebijaksanaan untuk diselesaikan. Kerana sifatnya yang suka ambil mudah ini, banyak persoalan yang akhirnya tidak dapat diselesaikan dan akibatnya merugikan dirinya sendiri.

6. Badan nampak tegak ketika berjalan

Wanita ini tegas dalam menentukan sesuatu. Dia tidak mahu urusan peribadinya dicampur oleh orang lain. Gaya bicaranya selalu serius seperti ingin menunjukkan dia memiliki pendirian teguh. Dan yang menarik tentang wanita ini, dia bertanggungjawap terhadap apa yang pernah dilakukannya. Dia menyenangi lelaki yang berdikari tanpa menghilangkan sifat-sifat romantiknya.

7. Berjalan seperti zirafah

Maksudnya, ketika melangkahkan kaki, badannya kelihatan bergerak ke depan dan ke belakang. Wanita jenis ini sangat lemah perasaannya. Dia seorang yang mudah terasa dan mudah tersinggung. Jadi, jika berbual dengan wanita seperti ini sedikit sebnayak kenalah menjaga perasaannya agar tidak tersinggung, kerana wanita ini mudah mengalirkan air mata.

Panduan ini bukanlah semata mata hanya berguna untuk lelaki tapi boleh jugak di jadikan peringatan kepada wanita wanita diluar agar berjalan dengan sopan. Macam biasa, tip ini hanya panduan bukan semestinya betul dan setiap individu adalah berlainan.sekian

Forget .............

Forget the suffering
You caused others.
Forget the suffering
Others caused you.
The waters run and run,
Springs sparkle and are done,
You walk the earth you are forgetting.

Sometimes you hear a distant refrain.
What does it mean, you ask, who is singing?
A childlike sun grows warm.
A grandson and a great-grandson are born.
You are led by the hand once again.

The names of the rivers remain with you.
How endless those rivers seem!
Your fields lie fallow,
The city towers are not as they were.
You stand at the threshold mute.

Friday, 16 March 2012

Everything Matters ............

" Everything ends, and Everything matters. "

Everything matters not in spite of the end of you and all that you love, but because of it. 

 Everything is all you’ve got…and after Everything is nothing. 
So you were wise to welcome Everything, the good and the bad alike, and cling to it all. 
Gather it in. Seek the meaning in sorrow and don’t ever turn away, not once, from here until the end. 
Because it is all the same, it is all unfathomable, and it is all infinitely preferable to the one dreadful alternative. 

 “Life is meaningless, when we take a life we take nothing of value.”

Kenali ......

Orang yang tidak mengenal Allah, adalah orang yang bodoh dan jahil ..
Orang yang meletakkan cintanya selain dari Allah, adalah orang yang kecewa .

Kenalilah  Allah ... PENCIPTA 
Manusia selalu meletakkan cinta, kasih dan pengharapan kepada manusia atau benda ..
Ini semua akan berubah-ubah ..... tetapi Allah tetap kekal abadi .

Manusia itu buta .. kecuali ia mengenali PENCIPTAnya .. iaitu ALLAH.
Letaklah pengharapan pada ALLAH ... ia tidak pernah membiarkan kita keseorangan..
Hanya kita saja yang selalu tertipu dengan bisikan syaitan . 



Life Still Has A Meaning: .........

If there is a future there is time for mending-
Time to see your troubles coming to an ending.
Life is never hopeless however great your sorrow-
If you're looking forward to a new tomorrow.
If there is time for wishing then there is time for hoping-
When through doubt and darkness you are blindly groping.
Though the heart be heavy and hurt you may be feeling-
If there is time for praying there is time for healing.

So if through your window there is a new day breaking-
Thank God for the promise, though mind and soul be aching,
If with harvest over there is grain enough for gleaning-
There is a new tomorrow and life still has meaning.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Strive ............

Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
and though they are with you, and yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love, but not your thoughts.
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, 
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.

You may strive  to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward, nor tarries with yesterday.

Kahlil Gibran

When We Love ..............

When we love, we always strive to become better than we are.
 When we strive to become better than we are, 
everything around us becomes better too.

Tasting Life ...........

(Sometimes we have to learn it as we live it.)

Before the young man began his studies, he wanted assurance from the Master.

"Can you teach me the goal of human life?"

"I cannot," replied the Master.

"Or at least its meaning?"

"I cannot."

"Can you indicate to me the nature of death and of life beyond the grave?"

"I cannot."

The young man walked away in scorn. The disciples were dismayed that their Master had been shown up in a poor light.

Said the Master soothingly, "Of what is it to comprehend life's nature and life's meaning if you have never tasted it? I'd rather you ate your pudding than speculated on it."

Related Quote:

"  Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves... Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given to you because you will not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.  " 

 - Rainer Maria Rilke


Thursday, 8 March 2012

To Live Is To Learn ...........

To live is to learn,
To learn is to know,
To know is to grow,
To grow is to give,
To give is to live.

Love .........

It's what you hold so dear,
but can hurt so much.
It's not something to fear,
but is as strong as a touch.
It can blossom like a flower,
or wilt and fade.

Love is a strong power,
no matter what they say.
Caring and understanding,
sharing and trusting.
Never pre-judging and it's not disgusting.

Love is the word,
straight from the heart.
It can be given and heard...
It's such a beautiful art.

Eyes ........

My eyes filled with your beauty
My heart full of your thoughts
I aspire your friendship
I breath for you only
How can I tell you all this
as silence is the language I know

How can I stop your looks which are

stealing the words I instored for you

How can I save my heart which are

drowning in your thoughts

How can I survive with your lovely thoughts surrounding me.
I plead my shivering lips to bring out the words i kept for you

I have been looking silently to find what you think of me

I fear now..the silence is eating up the life

I need to know a new language to express my love to you.

Be Happy ............

Be happy
You will grow into God's greatest blessing, His highest pride.

Be happy
Yesterday's world wants you to enjoy its surrendered breath.

Be happy
Today's world wants you to enjoy its surrendering breath.
Tomorrow's world wants you to enjoy its fulfilling breath.

Be happy
Be happy in the morning with what you have. Be happy in the evening
with what you are.

Be happy
Don't complain. Who complains? The blind beggar in you.
When you complain, you dance in the mire of ignorance-condition.
When you don't complain, all conditions of the world are at your feet,
and God gives you a new name: aspiration.
Aspiration is the supreme wealth in the world of light and delight.

Be happy
Do you want never to be poor? Then be happy.
Do you want ever to be great? Then be happy.

Be happy
You will get what you like most. 
You will be what you like best.


Wednesday, 7 March 2012

A Woman's Heart .................

A woman's heart can be the strongest
In the most difficult of times
Yet a woman's heart can still be fragile
When all hope appears to abandon us.

Then out of the darkness sparks a light
Unbelievable love abounds from strangers
Who at one time have felt the same
Deep sense of loss and shame.

We have wandered the same roads of loneliness
Shed the same tears under different burdens
Yet as women we come together to unite
To open our arms of love and comfort.

We are not weak in any sense of the word
We offer a willing heart to listen and share
Never assume nor make judgements
Only understanding and unconditional love.

We women come from all walks of life
Yet as one entity we are the strongest
Each hand holding the next in strength
Come take my hand my dear sisters
Always know that you are not alone
Together as one we give you love
Never again shall you ever walk alone.


It doesn't interest me what you do for a living.
I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of
meeting your heart's longing. 

It doesn't interest me how old you are.
I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream,
for the adventure of being alive. 

It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon.
I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow, if you have
been opened by life's betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear
of further pain! I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without
moving to hide it or fade it, or fix it. I want to know if you can be with joy,
mine or your own, if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you
to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful,
to be realistic, to remember the limitations of being human. 

It doesn't interest me if the story you are telling me is true.
I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself; if you can
bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul; if you can be
faithless and therefore trustworthy.
I want to know if you can see beauty even when it's not pretty, every day, and
if you can source your own life from its presence.
I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine, and still stand on
the edge of the lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, "Yes!" 

It doesn't interest me to know where you live or how much money you have.
I want to know if you can get up, after the night of grief and despair, weary and
bruised to the bone, and do what needs to be done to feed the children. 

It doesn't interest me who you know or how you came to be here.
I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me
and not shrink back. 

It doesn't interest me where or what or with whom you have studied.
I want to know what sustains you, from the inside, when all else falls away. 

I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like
the company you keep in the empty moments. 

(by Oriah Mountain Dreamer)

A Game Called Life ..............

I'm not very good
At this Game called Life 

For I've not learned to see children crying
Without feeling pain
For I've not learned to watch animals destroyed
Without wondering why
For I've not yet met a king or a celebrity
That I would bow down to
Or a man so insignificant
That I would use for a stepping-stone 

For I've not learned to be a 'yes man'
To narrow minded bosses
Who quote rules without reason 

And I've not learned to manipulate
The feelings of others
To be used for my own advantages
Then cast aside as I see fit 

No, I'm not very good
At this Game called Life
And if everything goes well
Maybe I never will be

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Mirror ....... Mirror ..........


 When the lake is calm and the ripples are gone,

the reflection of the tree laden shore is strong.

Shorelines image is seen clear, like looking into a mirror.

But when seasons breeze disrupt the leaves,

and the glassy mirror is gone,

the waves distort our vision as if something has gone wrong.

Cast your eyes away from the waves, and look directly

at the trees, then your view is connected to the essence of what you see.

Now if you have patience of mind and wait for the right time,

and everything is still.

Look inside yourself and you will see,

your soul's reflection, looking directly back at thee.

Friday, 2 March 2012

Doa Agar Dipermudahkan Hisab ............

اللَّهُمَّ حَاسِبْنِي حِسَابًا يَسِيرًا

“Ya Allah, permudahkanlah perhitunganku.” 
(Al-Misykat no. 5562)

Dalam sebuah hadis riwayat daripada Aisyah R.HA. bahawa Rasulullah SAAW. berdoa dalam solat Baginda dengan doa ini. Amalkan membaca doa ini selepas solat fardu dan sepanjang berada di Tanah Suci. Mudah-mudahan dengan limpah kurnia-Nya kita dianugerahkan rahmat-Nya, insya-Allah.

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Just Go .................

Bow not your head, but raise it proudly
Following the banners of honor and ambition
To the ultimate goal.
Not in servile scraping, nor even in humility
Lies the path for the nobly-born to follow
Only gird one's loins, center one's energy
Center all consciousness in the space of an atom
And go.

Burst through the images of richness and tradition
Or be caught in the net of beauty forever
Leave books, leave walls, leave the loved ones around you
Or they shall be dragged as millstones
Through endless miles of space.

Wait not on time, for all you will ever perceive is change
Wait not on place, for all places are one
Wait not on permission, for there is none to grant it
Just go.

Travel through the warm and watery channels of the body
And continue its warmth past the blazing cold fires of space
Change, and watch the worlds change around you
Be silent, and watch the eternal.

Never are you ready
Never are you worthy
Never is the time here for you to go
Ignore time,
And watch the glistening waters of the universe bow at your feet.

Jump into the ocean of being with all your soul
Is the water to hot? To cold? To medium?
You are already swimming, why ask of the water
The correct stroke?

Open your heart to the swift currents
Have the waterfall of knowledge splash upon your head
Wash clean your body with joy and spontaneity
Cleanse out temptation, hesitation, and tension
And go.

Grow like a tree, or a flower, or an age
Feeling the overwhelming pulsation of life beating within
Breathing, heartbeat, rhythms of waking and sleep
You are a symphony of love
Hear it.

Beloved, do not be timid
It is graceful to play and hide behind leaves
But it is nobler, wiser, and more courageous
To walk out unafraid, proud, and free
And dance the dance of compassion.

Light the holy fires in the caves of the world
Make brilliant the darkness
Make flowing the heart
Let the snaking chants of war and hunger be stilled
To the glorious songs of wonder.

Beloved, do not linger in the play of illusions
In the dances of light and darkness
Mysteries are there to be solved
Sound is there to be stilled
The eternal is here to be experienced

Open the heart by chanting and movement
Open, by the powers of Time and of Space
Become, as forces of change swirl around you
Be, in the midst of all manifest grace.

All Things Bright and Beautiful ........................

All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all.

Each little flower that opens,
Each little bird that sings,
He made their glowing colors,
He made their tiny wings.

The purple-headed mountain,
The river running by,
The sunset, and the morning,
That brightens up the sky;

The cold wind in the winter,
The pleasant summer sun,
The ripe fruits in the garden,
He made them every one.

He gave us eyes to see them,
And lips that we might tell,
How great is God Almighty,
Who has made all things well.

Little Things ...............

Little drops of water,
Little drains of sand,
Make the mighty ocean
And the beauteous land.

And the little moments,
Humble though they be,
Make the mighty ages
Of eternity.

So our little errors
Lead the soul away,
From the paths of virtue
Into sin to stray.

Little deeds of kindness,
Little words of love,
Make our earth an Eden,
Like the heaven above.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Love The Untouchable .............

I know of his existence
But mine to him
Is unknown
I will feel incomplete 'till my hand
Knows his
But he's not here

He was here
He lived
And many lived with him
But not me

I want to feel
His warm body against mine
But he's not here
It is beyond frustrating
To know
I can never have him

I want to scream
A condemning passion
Fills my being
I dream Of his
Existing smile
But he's not here

He's still with us
I feel him inside of me
I know the sound of his voice
But he's not here

So I'll dream of his eyes
Dark and full of life
And I'll want for his arms
Warm and strong
And I'll crave for his kiss
Everlasting and sweet
He's not here

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Powerful soul .................

Only a powerful soul can offer love.
Only a powerful soul can afford to be humble.
If we are weak, then we become selfish.
If we are empty, we take; 
but if we are filled, we automatically give to all.
That is our nature.

Wait ............

 <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/YKfuof-oYeU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Desperately, helplessly, longingly, I cried;
Quietly, patiently, lovingly, God replied.
I pled and I wept for a clue to my fate . . .
And the Master so gently said, "Wait." 

"Lord, I need answers, I need to know why!
By faith I have asked,
I'm needing a 'yes', a go-ahead sign,
Or even a 'no' to which I can resign.
"You promised, dear Lord, that if we believe,
We need but to ask, and we shall receive.
And Lord I've been asking, and this is my cry:

I'm weary of waiting ...
Then quietly, softly, I learned of my fate,
As my Master replied again, "Wait." 

 He tenderly said, "I could give you a sign.
I could shake the heavens and darken the sun.
I could raise the dead and cause mountains to run.
"I could give all you seek and pleased you would be.
You'd have what you want, but you wouldn't know Me.
You'd not know the depth of my love for each saint.
You'd not know the power that I give to the faint.
"You'd not learn to see through clouds of despair;
You'd not learn to trust just by knowing I'm there.
You'd not know the joy of resting in Me
When darkness and silence are all you can see.

"You'd never experience the fullness of love
When the peace of My spirit descends like a dove.
You would know that I give, and I save, for a start,
But you'd not know the depth of the beat of My heart.
"The glow of my comfort late into the night,
The faith that I give when you walk without sight.
The depth that's beyond getting just what you ask
From an infinite God who makes what you have last.

"You'd never know, should your pain quickly flee,
What it means that My grace is sufficient for thee.
Yes, your dearest dreams overnight would come true,
But, oh, the loss, if you missed what I'm doing in you.
"So, be silent, and in time you will see
That the greatest of gifts is to truly know me.
And though oft My answers seem terribly late,
My most precious answer of all is still . . . Wait."

Wednesday, 8 February 2012


Sebagai manusia, kita tidak akan terlepas dari melakukan kesilapan dalam kehidupan kita sama ada secara kita sedar ataupun secara tidak sedar. Dan sebaik-baik manusia ialah manusia yang segera berubah untuk memperbaiki kesilapan diri. Berikut adalah 4 jenis perempuan yang akan menjadi penghuni neraka. 

1. Perempuan yang jahat mulutnya dan perbuatan atas suaminya.

Terlalu banyak komplen. Ada sahaja yang tidak kena.

" Abang ni pun satu, beli ikan kecil-kecil sangat. Belilah yang besar sikit. Susah nak siang. " komplen Lisa pada Zack. Esoknya..

" Abang ni, beli ikan besar sangat, gelilah nak makan." Komplen Lisa lagi. Ada sahaja yang tidak kena pada Zack, suaminya.

Suka memburuk2an suami dibelakang suami samada kpd ibu bapa, sedara mara atau kawan2nya.

Curang pada suami.

Ketika suami tiada di rumah kerana pergi kursus, balik kampung, maka si isteri mengambil peluang dengan membawa lelaki lain masuk ke dalam rumahnya. Si isteri membuat perkara haram atau bergayut atau berchatting dgn lelaki lain.

Menyakitkan hati suami dengan mengungkit segala kekurangan suami setiap hari.

" Sedarlah diri awak tu, kos perkahwinan pun saya yang keluarkan. Nak harapkan awak dan keluarga awak, tak merasalah hidup senang seperti sekarang ni tau." sehingga suaminya tidak terkata apa-apa.

2. Perempuan yang membuat suaminya barang yang tidak mampu (memperbodohkan suami, memaksa suami membuat perkara yang di luar kemampuan suami).

Menggunakan ilmu hitam agar suami patuh dan ikut segala kemahuan isteri.

" Itulah engkau, kalau dari dahulu, kau dengar cakap aku, beri suami kau makan nasi kangkang, sudah tentu sekarang ni kau tidak dimadukan. "

Memaksa suami untuk membeli sesuatu di luar kemampuannya atau suaminya mampu tapi suami minta tangguhkan dulu sebab ada perkara lain yg lebih perlu.

" Abang, saya tak tahu, raya nanti saya nak kereta. "

" Abang mana mampu yang. Yang tahukan, hutang kereta yang ada ni pun belum habis pembayarannya. "

" Itu saya tak tahu. Yang saya tahu, saya nak kereta, saya nak kereta."

3. Perempuan yang tidak mahu menutup aurat. Yang memakai perhiasan untuk tujuan bermegah-megah.

" Amboi, cantiknya isteri abang. Bila bergaya nak keluar rumah, mengalahkan artis nak ambil award."

" Mestilah, bila orang tanya, isteri siapa yang cantik, bergaya, rambut ikal mayang tu..ha..abang juga yang akan dapat namakan. "

" Iya tak ya juga. Bangga abang ada isteri cantik macam kamu ni."

4. Perempuan yang tiada cita-cita melainkan makan, minum dan tidur.

Di suruh solat, tak nak. Di suruh berpuasa, tak nak. Di suruh belajar membaca Quran tak nak. Di suruh bertudung, tak nak. Apatah lagi hendak menutup aurat. Hidupnya hanya untuk bergembira dan berseronok. Hari-harinya di habiskan dengan berseronok, makan, minum dan tidur.

Semoga artikel ini ada manfaatnya untuk semua. Kepada yang hendak sebarkan, jangan lupa linkkan semula ke blog picisan ini ya. :)

Nota : Sumber artikel, ceramah Ustaz Kazim Elias.)

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Selawat Shifa ............


Allahumma salli ‘ala Sayyidina Muhammadin,
tibbil qulubi wa dawaaâ iha,
wa `afiyatil abdaani wa shifaaâ iha,
wa nuril absari wa diyaâ iha,
wa `ala Aalihi wa Sahbihi wa Barik’ wa Sallim


Ya Allah, berilah rahmat ke atas penghulu kami, nabi Muhammad S.A.W. yang dengan berkat baginda, engkau menyembuhkan hati-hati, menjadi penawar dan menyihatkan tubuh badan juga memberi kesembuhan penyakit serta mengurniakan cahaya penglihatan dan kurniakanlah juga rahmat keberkatan dan kesejahteraan keatas keluarga dan sahabat baginda. 

Amalan Selawat Shifa :

Boleh menjadi ubat bagi anak-anak yang nakal.  Bacakan .......(dengan bilangan angka ganjil 3/7)
1. Al-Fatihah
2. Selawat Shifa 
3. Yaasin (1x saja)

Bacakan kedalam air mineral dan beri minum.


Doa Dipermudahkan Segala Urusan ...............


" Ya Allah, tidak ada kemudahan kecuali sesuatu yang Engkau permudahkan, Engkau menjadikan kedukaan itu mudah sekiranya Engkau kehendaki"

Sunday, 29 January 2012

NOBODY WALKS ALONE! ................

(author: unknown)

Sometimes when the highway of life seems rough,
And all your dreams have flown away,
Just remember, wherever your road may go,

When everyone else have let you down,
And under your sins you groan,
Just keep reminding your burdened heart,

Then suddenly you'll feel HIS hand in yours,
And HIS eyes lifting your own,
And you'll hear HIS gentle forgiving voice,


Saturday, 28 January 2012

Sincerity .........

" Sincerity is the jewel that forms in the shell of the heart...."

Sincerity is the principal thing in life. Youth is the age which is most attracted to superficiality. That is the reason why many youths adopt an artificial manner of thought, speech and action, which is very undesirable and does not benefit their life. It is important to inculcate sincerity in the character of the youth. To give a youth a love of sincerity is extremely useful, for the power of sincerity can work miracles.

 Very few realize what power sincerity carries. A false man, however physically strong he is or however great is his willpower, is kept down by his falsehood; it never allows him to rise. It eats into him because it is rust. Those who have done great things in life, in whatever walk of life it be, have done them by the power of truth, the power of sincerity.

The more sincerity is developed, the greater share of truth you will have. And however much sincerity a person may have, there is always a gap to fill, for we live in the midst of falsehood, and we are always apt to be carried away by this world of falsehood. Therefore we must never think we are sincere enough, and we must always be on our guard against influences which may carry us away from that sincerity which is the bridge between ourselves and our ideal.

Touch .........

The majority of us lead quiet, unheralded lives as we pass through this world. 
There will most likely be no ticker-tape parades for us, no monuments created in our honor. 
But that does not lessen our possible impact, for there are scores of people waiting for someone just like us to come along; people who will appreciate our compassion, our unique talents. 

Someone who will live a happier life merely because we took the time to share what we had to give. 
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have a potential to turn a life around. It's overwhelming to consider the continuous opportunities there are to make our love felt.

Anything Can Happen ...................

Listen to the mustn'ts
Listen to the don'ts
Listen to the shouldn'ts
the impossibles, the won'ts
Listen to the never haves
then listen closely ...
Anything can happen, 
Anything can be.

Listen ..............

The only way to get what you really want,
is to know what you really want.
And the only way to know what you really want,
is to know yourself.
And the only way to know yourself,
is to be yourself.
And the only way to be yourself is to listen  to your heart.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

If .......

If I knew you
and you knew me,

If both of us could clearly see,

 And with an inner sight divine,

The meaning of your heart and mine,

I'm sure that we would differ less,

 And clasp our hands in friendliness
 Our thoughts would pleasantly agree,

If I knew you

..... and you knew me.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

What Will Matter ..........

Ready or not, some day it will all come to an end.

There will be no more sunrises, no minutes, hours or days. All the things you collected, whether treasured or forgotten will pass to someone else.

Your wealth, fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance. It will not matter what you owned or what you were owed.

Your grudges, resentments, frustrations and jealousies will finally disappear. So too, your hopes, ambitions, plans and to do lists will expire.

The wins and losses that once seemed so important will fade away.

It won't matter where you came from or what side of the tracks you lived on at the end.

It won't matter whether you were beautiful or brilliant. Even your gender and skin color will be irrelevant.

So what will matter? How will the value of your days be measured?

What will matter is not what you bought but what you built, not what you got but what you gave.

What will matter is not your success but your significance.

What will matter is not what you learned but what you taught.

What will matter is every act of integrity, compassion, courage, or sacrifice that enriched, empowered or encouraged others to emulate your example.

What will matter is not your competence but your character.

What will matter is not how many people you knew, but how many will feel a lasting loss when you're gone.

What will matter is not your memories but the memories that live in those who loved you.

What will matter is how long you will be remembered, by whom and for what.

Living a life that matters doesn't happen by accident. It's not a matter of circumstance but of choice.

Choose to live a life that matters.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Afraid .............

Laugh, even when you feel too sick or too worn out or tired.
Smile, even when you're trying not to cry and the tears are blurring your vision.
Sing, even when people stare at you and tell you your voice is crappy.
Trust, even when your heart begs you not to.
Twirl, even when your mind makes no sense of what you see.
Frolick, even when you are made fun of.
Sleep, even when you're afraid of what the dreams might bring.
Run, even when it feels like you can't run any more.
Love, even you have been hurt many times

And, always, remember, even when the memories pinch your heart. Because the pain of all your experience is what makes you the person you are now. And without your experience---you are an empty page, a blank notebook, a missing lyric. 

What makes you brave is your willingness to live through your terrible life and hold your head up high the next day. So don't live life in fear. Because you are stronger now, after all the crap has happened, than you ever were back before it started. 

Rahsia Wanita Masih Dara Atau Tidak .................

Rekahan Bibir
Kita dapat mengenal pastinya jika bibir seorang wanita itu sangat mengancam dan berwarna kemerah-merahan. Dan rekahannya pula cantik. Selain itu, bibirnya juga bergaris-garis dan dapat dilihat dengan jelas. Dahi Yang Berkedut, Gadis yang masih memiliki dara akan mempunyai dahi yang licin. Berbanding dengan dahi wanita yang tidak berdara yang mempunyai lapisan sebanyak tiga lapis walau masih muda. Ini dapat dilihat ketika mereka bercakap, berbual dan ketawa. Kedutan ini adalah berbeza dengan kedutan wanita yang berusia.
Bentuk Punggung
Bentuk punggung juga akan menggambarkan samada seseorang itu masih ada dara atau tidak. Bagi wanita yang tidak memiliki dara, punggunggya akan kelihatan seperti terjatuh ke bawah kerana sel-sel punggungnya mengembang kerana ransangan nafsu ketika melakukan hubungan. Apabila mereka berlari-lari dan bergerak akan kelihatan ianya seperti bergoyang-goyang. Berbeza dengan gadis yang memiliki yang pejal dan tidak bergoyang.

Telinga gadis yang mempunyai dara akan kelihatan warna kemerah-merahan dan cantik. Wanita yang tidak punyai dara telinganya akan kelihatan leper dan tidak menawan lagi.
Cuba lihat tumit anda. Di hujung tumit anda, cuba picitkan sedikit. Sekiranya selepas picit darah anda akan kembali ke posisi asal dengan cepat, ini bermakna anda masih berdara. Jika tidak, kawasan yang dipicit itu akan pucat dan darah kembali dengan lambat. Awas! Jaga tumit anda. Banyak kepentingan dan rahsianya lagi.

Inilah kaedah-kaedah untuk anda mengenal samada seseorang itu masih dara atau tidak. Tak payahlah nak pi test kat orang yang dah berkahwin dengan halal. Selain dara-dara yang tadi, kita masih mempunyai dara yang lain iaitu yang berkaitan dengan sensitiviti apabila berhadapan dengan lelaki.
Jika pipi gadis itu licin, gebu dan kemerah-merahan serta tidak langsung memakai peralatan solek seperti pemerah pipi, bedak atau cecair pelembab muka, bermakna gadis itu masih berdara.
Gadis yang berdara selalunya tidak suka mengenakan make up. Terdapat juga gadis yang masih suci suka bermake-up, tatepi cara mereka bermake up tidak terlalu menonjol seperti seseorang yang ingin memikat lelaki. Sebagai contohnya sesetengah GRO, bohsia atau pelacur. Mereka akan mengenakan make up keterlaluan kerana mahukan diri mereka kelihatan jelita. tetapi disebalik kejelitaan mereka terserlah suatu rahsia, jelas mereka bukanlah lagi wanita bermaruah.
Pada raut pipi gadis yang masih dara, kelihatan merah apabila disentuh lelaki yang bukan muhrim. Terkadang raut wajah mereka menjadi merah apabila berbual atau berhadapan dengan lelaki. Mereka agak sukar untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan lelaki. Berbanding dengan wanita yang tidak berdara. Mudah sahaja mereka menyesuaikan diri dengan lelaki. Bagi yang sudah berumah tangga, kerana mereka sudah biasa dengan suami mereka. Tetapi pada golongan sebaliknya kerana mereka telah hilang dara dan sensitiviti dengan lelaki kerana sebab-sebabnya yang tadinya.
Kelihatan beberapa garis melintang pada pipi kiri dan kanan seseorang gadis yang telah berhubungan. Jika seseorang itu mempunyai lesung pipi, lesung pipinya kelihatan melekuk ke dalam dan terserlah kejelitaannya. Berbeza dengan gadis yang sudah pernah berhubung, lesung pipinya tidak terlalu dalam dan sisi lekukan itu diikuti dengan garisan yang menyambung lesung pipinya. Garis ini menunjukkan mereka telah tiada dara.
Ketiadaan dara juga dapat dilihat dengan meneliti bentuk pada bahagian telinga kanan dan kirinya. Sedikit anak rambut akan kelihatan sebelah pipinya. Anak rambut ini berjuntai dan lembut serta halus. Anak rambut wanita pula tidak berdaya dan seolah-olah tidak bermaya serta tidak lembut lagi. Ini dapat dilihat jelas jika anak rambut itu ditiup angin. Ia mudah terselerak dan agak tidak teratur ketika ditiup angin dan apabila anak rambut itu kembali pada posisi asalnya. Pipi sisi anak rambut ini juga dilihat agak lebam dan ianya simbol wanita itu telah berkahwin.
Hidung sesorang itu juga mampu menunjukkan samada dia pernah disentuh atau tidak. Hidung seorang gadis akan kelihatan menarik dan cantik. kedudukannya juga molek. Di hujung hidungnya kelihatan kemerah-merahan. Ini bukan kerena dia selsema atau ada masalah hidung tetapi ini kerena darah banyak tertumpu pada hidungnya. Jika anda masih dara, lihatlah hidung anda. Apabila hidung seorang gadis disentuh lelaki, hidungnya akan kelihatan begitu merah.
Begitu juga dengan wajahnya. Ini kerana sensitivitinya terhadap sentuhan. Bagi yang tidak merah pada hujungnya apabila disentuh lelaki, ini bermakna dia telah hilang dara sensitif ( dara kecil