Friday 8 July 2011

Fear ...........

Real fearlessness is the product of tenderness.
It comes from letting the world tickle your heart,
your raw and beautiful heart.
You are willing to open up,
without resistance or shyness,
and face the world.
You are willing to share your heart with others.

Inaction breeds doubt and fear.
Action breeds confidence and courage. 
If you want to conquer fear
do not sit at home and think about it.
Go out and get busy.

How would you feel if you had no fear?
Feel like that.
How would you behave toward other people
if you realized their powerlessness to hurt you?
Behave like that.

How would your react to so-called misfortune
if you saw its inability to bother you?
React like that.

How would you think toward yourself
if you knew you were really all right?
Think like that.

We are born into a vast room whose walls consist of a thousand doors of possibility.
Each door is flung open to the world outside, and the room is filled with light and noise.
We close some of the doors deliberately, sometimes with fear, sometimes with calm certainty. Others seem to close by themselves, some so quietly that we do not even notice.

There's only now…
There's only here...
Give in to love...
Or live in fear...
No other path...
No other way...
No day but today...

Fear less, hope more;
Whine less, breathe more;
Talk less, say more;
Hate less, love more;
And all good things are yours.

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